Garden beside WHITEHOUSE
Repair and Maintenance, 2021
For more than 60 years, the "Shinjuku White House" has undergone numerous ownership changes and has been repeatedly extended and reconstructed.
It was initially built as the residence and studio of artist Masunobu Yoshimura and was also the first building by architect Arata Isozaki. The avant-garde art group "Neo-Dadaism Organizers," led by Masunobu Yoshimura and formed in 1960 by young artists including Ushio Shinohara, Genpei Akasegawa, Shusaku Arakawa, and Sho Kazakura, held various exhibitions and performances at this location. However, when Yoshimura moved to the U.S., the building became the studio and residence of the painter Shinya Miyata. Half a century later, in 2013, the building became a live café; in 2019, it became the residence and studio of Chim↑Pom. In 2021, the building became a members-only alternative art space, WHITEHOUSE, and GROUP was in charge of renovating.
We have added program restructuring and maintenance components to a 1.5m narrow exterior space between the building and the wall. A building survey revealed a situation that made it challenging to rely too heavily on the existing structure, so we adjusted the structural autonomy of the components according to the situation.
The ticket counter is structurally independent thanks to a frame inserted into the opening. The semi-circular roof is supported by a beam inserted into the wall from the inside and a single post. The brass entrance door is also made possible by inserting a frame into the wall, passing over the existing structure. The wall counter reinforces the aging block wall. The floor, which floats slightly from the building, is held in place by an existing tree. The minimal elements necessary to operate the exterior space as a "garden" intervenes in the environment, sometimes relying on the surroundings, sometimes independently.
それから半世紀ほどが過ぎた2013年からはライブカフェ「カフェアリエ」として運営がなされ、2019年にはアートコレクティブ「Chim↑Pom」の住居兼アトリエとなった。そして2021年、Chim↑Pomの卯城竜太、アーティストの涌井智仁、ナオ ナカムラの中村奈央が運営する会員制のアートスペース「WHITEHOUSE」として新たにオープンするにあたって、GROUPが改修を担当することになった。
改修内容は、建物と塀の間の幅1.5mほどの細長い外部空間を、バー・カフェ・アートスペースのための庭として作り直すことだった。そこで私たちは、プログラムの再編と自生的な使い手の手入れの起点となるいくつかの要素を既存の環境に介入させることとした。が、建物を調査してみると、老朽化が進む既存建物を過度に頼るのは難しい状況が判明したため、 各要素の構造的な自立性を状況に応じて調整することにした。
Name Garden beside WHITEHOUSE
Date 2021
Type Repair and Maintenance
Design and Construction GROUP
Construction advisor Hidetoshi Inanaga
Metal working Shoma Fujimura and "studio HOHO"
商店建築 2021年10月号、商店建築社
日経アーキテクチュア 2022年1月27日号, 日経BP
新建築住宅特集 2021年8月号, 新建築社
CONFORT 2021年8月号, 建築資料研究社
BRUTUS 940号, マガジンハウス