U Ma Mi (Mu) Me Mo

Exhibition design, 2023

  • 公共とデザインによる、産むの物語を問いなおす展覧会『産まみ(む)めも』の会場構成。私たちは本展の会場構成を担当すると同時に、継続的に行われた「産む」にまつわる当事者との対話を通じた制作もおこなった。会場では、5組の参加作家の作品を一筆書きにレイアウトしつつ、会場を分節する什器に、「産む」に関するリサーチ・協働のプロセスのアウトプットを付帯させた。

    不妊治療や特別養子縁組などの当事者や、これから出産や育児に向き合おうとしている方々との対話を通して浮かび上がってきたのは、産むにまつわる意思やとりうる選択肢の複数性を受け止めた「計画」は可能か? という問いだった。私たちはまず、これまで建築家が取り組んできた家族形態と間取りの関係を調査し、年表というかたちで提示した。さらにそれを踏まえた上で、異なる家族形態の世帯が同居する大規模なアパートメント案を提案し、時間の経過とともに住環境を弾力的に変化させていく暮らしの可能性を検討した。

    Venue design for the "U Ma Mi (Mu) Me Mo Exhibition" reexamining the story of "giving birth" by the public and design. Our role involved overseeing the venue design while engaging in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to develop architectural concepts related to "giving birth." In the exhibition room, we gave a layout of a stroke route for the works of the five artists. Moreover, we attached the output of the research and collaborative processes related to "giving birth" to the furniture that divided the room.

    In our discussions with individuals facing challenges such as infertility treatment and adoption, as well as those preparing for childbirth, we pondered whether architects could do planning to accommodate the diverse choices and intentions involved in childbearing. We initially explored the relationship between family structures and architectural floor plans to explore this question, presenting our findings in a chronological table format. Building upon this research, we conceptualized a large-scale apartment complex to accommodate households of various family compositions living together. Our aim was to explore the potential for flexible environmental adaptations to accommodate changing lifestyles over time.

  • Name U Ma Mi (Mu) Me Mo

    Date 18 MAR. 2023 - 23 MAR. 2023

    Type Exhibition

    Design and Construction Takahiro Ohmura + Naoki Saito (GROUP)

    Artists Yukari Inoue, Yui Usui, Group(Takahiro Ohmura, Naoki Saito), Tak Studio(Kyohei Tsuchida, Tsubasa Koshide), Fushigi Design(Keita Akiyama)

    Graphic design Yurie Hata

    Organizer PUBLIC & DESIGN


